Altezza LLP renders services in development and integra-tion, construction, installation, adjustment, parameteriza-tion and programming in the field
› Automatic process control system and emergency protection;
› Quantity and quality control of oil and petroleum products;
› Security, fire and gas alarm, and video surveillance systems;
› Emissions monitoring and gas analysis systems;
› Industrial Uninterruptible Power Systems (UPS)

Team of professionals
Licenses and permits for all types of ser-vices provided.

Altezza LLP provides verification and calibration services for all types of fixed and personal gas detectors at own certified mobile laboratory.
› The applied verification gas mixtures are approved by the State Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan for verification and calibration of gas analytical instruments
› Provision to customers of prior notifications about the necessary service and consumables replacement deadlines

Mobile laboratory – We will come to you!
Engineers passed the factory trainings at OEM premises.

In 2018 Altezza is launching it’s own chemical laboratory for remaining media life of PURAFIL chemical filters
› The applied verification gas mixtures are approved by the State Stan-

Team of professionals
Licenses and permits for all types of ser-vices provided.

«Altezza» LLp by support of NCOC (Kashagan project) ac-tively develops the local content in the supplied goods and services.
› At present, we produce in Kazakhstan air filters, accessories for gas and flame detectors, and cabinets for server racks.
› Continuous training of local staff.